Modern, stylish and highly sophisticated, the Version R Prepayment Unit is perfect for allowing users to manager their own their own account status.
Key Features
Some of the key features of the Version R and Version R + Prepayment Units are:
- Back-lit, multi-function display
- Multiple customer top-up facilities
- Easy retro-fit into legacy systems
- Low operating costs
- Use of the Pay Point network with over 27,000 outlets
- 24/7 automated telephone payment and service facility
- Emergency or stand-by credit and/or Social cut-off abatement
Contact Us Today on 01623 675300 to arrange your free trial
Terms and Conditions
- Prepayment and Billing Solutions Ltd (PBS) will supply only, its VersionR+ unit(s) for the purposes of free trialling on a client’s site. The client is to install the VersionR+ unit in accordance with PBS’s installation and commissioning requirements which will be provided.
- PBS will produce and supply a payment identity card to enable the user to top up the trial Pay As You Go unit via one of the various options on offer which will include any or all of the following, PayPoint (over 27000 outlets) , Internet payment portal and automated 24/7/365 payment line.
- PBS's services during the trial period will be Free of Charge with the exception of the pass through cost of the merchants fees (ie dr/cr card charges etc). Any client monies collected during the trial period will be paid into a PBS designated client account and paid over monthly in arrears (less the merchants fees as above).
- The duration of the trial period can be up to 3 months or as agreed by PBS. At the end of the trial the client will be responsible for the safe removal of the VersionR+ unit and for its return to PBS. Should the unit become damaged during the trial then the client will be responsible to make good the cost of repair or the replacement.
- The free trial offer is only available at the discretion of PBS.